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Spring is here! After the winter months of almost indoor activities, don't let this season pass by without getting a glimpse of the sun. See trees come to life. Listen to the birds chorus at the same time. Touch the flowers in bloom. Smell freshness in the air and feel the breeze. It is the beauty of God's creation. Now is your chance to have a taste of a blessed hope of life! And speaking of opportunities, let me share with you a friend's article:

So this Spring time, go ahead close the door to fear and open the door to opportunity. You'll never know what lies ahead unless you take the initiative to be blessed.



(1) Taking the initiative closes the door to fear. We all have fears. The question is, are we going to control them or allow them to control us? Action is a great restorer and builder of confidence. Inaction is not only the result, but the cause of fear. Perhaps the action you take will be successful; perhaps different action or adjustments will have to follow. But any action is better than no action at all. To have any chance at getting what we desire, we need to work for it. Nothing is as discouraging or draining as hanging on to an uncompleted task. The longer we let things slide, the harder they become. The hardest work is often the accumulation of many easy things that should have been done yesterday, last week or last month. The way to get rid of a difficult task is -- do it!
(2) Taking the initiative opens the door to opportunity. People who take the initiative and work hard may succeed, or fail. But anyone who doesn't take initiative is guaranteed to fail! So, ask God, "Is there a decision I should be making? Is there a problem I should be solving? Is there a project I should be starting? Is there a goal I should be setting or striving toward? Is there an opportunity I should be seizing?" Solomon writes, "If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done" (Ecclessiastes 11:4 TLB).

It's better to be 80% sure, and start, than to wait until you're 100% sure, because by then the opportunity may have passed you by.


Don't let opportunity pass you (by Rom Silvestre).
"If you wait for perfect conditions, you will never get anything done" (Ecclessiastes 11:4 TLB) Two things about taking the initiative:
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