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Fifty days after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, Pentecostal churches celebrate Pentecost. This is the day in remembrance as prophesied in Joel, a day when God would pour out His Spirit on all those who call on the name of the Lord. For Israel, Pentecost is a celebration of harvest of grain, for us it is a celebration of the outpouring of the Spirit and the birth of the Christian church.

This outpouring will result in a charismatic flow of the Spirit and bestowing the gifts. Peter quoted this passage on the day of Pentecost explaining that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on that day was the beginnings of the fulfillment of Joel’s prophesy. This prophesy is an ongoing promise to all who accept Christ as Lord, for all believers can and should be filled with the Holy Spirit.The primary results of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit will be impartation and release of prophetic gifts.

The manifestation of the Spirit through His gifts makes known the presence of God among His people. These manifestations of the Spirit are intended for the building-up and sanctification of the church.

The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is also referred to as Baptism in the Holy Spirit" The primary purpose of the baptism is the receiving of power to witness for Christ, in order to win the lost to Him and teach them to observe all that Christ commanded.

As we celebrate Pentecost Sunday, let us earnestly desire to be baptize in the Holy Spirit. The baptism of the Holy Spirit  is intended for all who profess faith in Christ, have been born again, and have received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit and regenerated. 

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